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so i'm vacation is over..and i dont' know when i'm taking my next's probably going to be awhile..because i know the next few weeks are going to be a sudden hell at work..too much to do in very little time..luckily i have help there now, and they have listened to my pleas...the director is going to be back..what a will be nice to be rid of her

today i spent a lot of time working on a potential website for the fallout art center..i realized how poor graphicly and design wise i still am, and how much i still need to learn..i look at great sites a lot, and try to get ideas from them, but really don't know how to recreate that feeling..but i gave it a go, and i was actually somewhat pleased with the's not completely finished of course..because i don't even know if that is going to be approved by them, or if they care for the design..i guess we'll's getting rather late, and i need my sleep