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so my computer is broken, little to no applications are working...i did have two virus' rid of one, ran the scan again and the other one wasn't there for some reason...grr...i hope when i get home tomorrow it works just fine...on a positive note, i have almost completely transferring my site to the new better server..i've been working on it from work, cause i don't feel like working most of the time

things are going to get real busy supervisor wants me to do all these things...and i'm just not going to have any time at all to do anything what so ever

i got a little upset with him tonight...yelled a little on the phone because i was just getting overwhelmed with frustration with things..especially with my computer...i have a sensitivity when i feel someone is mocking my frustration, and laugh at mom does that a lot..and she would just piss me off like that at times...i'm trying to cool myself down right now....isn't working too well though..i think i might start a new diary..not quite sure.....but hmm...i don't know...