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tis very late, and i need to get to bed very soon..yikes, i'm way too tired right now, and i have a big day ahead of me, including a nap somewhere in there

i have to get wood and maybe take the chainsaw to it, mow the lawn, go to town for alcohol and cigarettes, nap, i will need the nap for the long ass night..then get some things set food and music of course, i think i'm going to play my cd all day, i should put the track listing up sometime soon either on here or some webpage..and if anyone wants a copy ,i am more than willing to do so

i think there are 186 songs on it total, i had to take some out, i was saddened by that..and i was thinking that in the about me section of my webpage, i would have a song title listed to that moment..and make a cd out of that...the soundtrack to my life