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hooray! i might be able to make it to three microphone shows!! first in minneapolis, then the next day in grinnell IA, and then in chicago IL, and i only have to take a 1/2 off at work on a friday afternoon, that should be great..i'm super excited about it..i'll be going with colman there..i really hope he can get off work cause this would be a trip, i need a little stay away from here...out of state...we hung out tonight, it was pretty fun..but now i'm super tired, and am looking forward to taking a nap after work yeah..

this weekend is filled down to owatonna on friday, go to the fair, go to the fair on saturday afternoon with up to anoka to my uncle's place for a family get together..go home and help my cousin move (maybe) and then go to bed a little later cause i start work at 9 starting monday....uffffda..night