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today's my birthday..i'm 22 today, i do feel a bit should be interesting to remember to say "i'm 22" instead of 21..i always have problems with new was an ok birthday..busy i guess...i just went to work, did some work, ate some food, then came home and went to class and was there for a little over an hour, got my grades (found out that there's a lot of things i'm missing for some reason)..did some homework for wednesday and finished that up..

then i came home..called kevin..he didn't want to come over...that made me a bit upset...his reason was that his car was stuck in the garage, which was suppose to be true, but wasn' i went out to eat with sarah and had some filling food...then i went to kevins..and found out they weren't doing the driveway work until wednesday, so he could have came over and kept me company..

for some reason..he seems a bit drained of he's not getting enough time for himself...maybe i just need to back off a bit...once i'm done with class, that shouldn't be as much of a problem..we'll see what happens i guess...

i got some homework's tiring to do...i can't wait for this to finish...i'm taking a half day tomorrow from work, just so i can do this crap