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funny..someone found my diary typing in communion waffers...hehe

so today i get to work and this email newsletter was sent out to everybody..i put mine in the trash right away and started making coffee..i go over to one lady's cube and she opens it up, i see rainbows and the letters "glbta" written across the top..and here is what i saw and heard today from two people

when i first saw it, this lady made a laughing sound and pointed the the screen...i was sitting in my cube and heard my boss go "oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! oh my god!" over and over again, and i walk past his cube and see him reading the newsletter...later i heard him talking to someone on the phone saying stuff like "yeah, it's all month long! i can't believe it! they are having a guest talker?! i'm just in shock and i can't believe it"..and then several other people started talking, so i couldn't hear his ramblings anymore

one thing is that there is going to be a booth..and i kind of want to participate, but i have to call someone about it, and i don't really feel comfortable calling someone up at's going to be a very trying month if i don't act fast..i am actually planning on emailing the HR person to set up a time to discuss this matter..i feel like i'm in fucking high school again and i'm growing tired of it

psycho was gone all weekend, and now she's back...stomping around upstairs, letting my cat outside when i ask her not to, being noisy..i hope she moves out soon..supposedly she is going to very soon..but we'll see what happens