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so yeah, no updating lately eh..yeah, nothing much going on...just been keeping myself busy at work, and i've been watching a lot of buffy...3 seasons in 2 i'm on season 4..i just watched the first disc tonight...soon i won't have any more to watch..cause i'm not skipping to season 6 that's on tv right now..cause nothing will make sense...but i did watch an episode today because it was the musical was really creative and fun, i liked it a lot...i always imagine life breaking into beats like that sometimes..and i do that sometimes at work, and people look at me really weird...they can't imagine someone just breaking into song and dance out of i'm not a big musical fan at all, but i do enjoy some of it..

oh, i got a new website up's currently in the works and i still have a lot to do with i guess here we go..first off we have my personal page...then we have the mt. eerie page that needs a lot of work and whatnot..but i am thinking i will not upload pages unless i have them this should hopefully go a little bit my inspiration for making web pages is a little bit "up" right now if you's entertaining and i am enjoying it..trying to learn and whatnot..teach myself databases and all of that shit...i am taking a class on it in about 2 months..but i figured i should at least know some of the stuff going into yeah

less than 2 weeks until i go to canada and i haven't got a tent yet...and 3 weeks until washington, and i haven't seen my w-t-h tickets yet...hmmm...they'll come soon i am hoping..or else i'm going to have to try to find out what's late, i should bed..honestly