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so i just made an ebay bid..which i haven't done for quite some yeah..hmmm...i hope i get the item..i'll keep on trying of course..but i won't pay over 30 bucks i'm's the final fantasy chronicles..which is out of print now...they only made it for a little bit, and for some reason, i never went out and bought it..even though it consists of two of my favorite if there is anyone out there willing to part with this item, let me know and i'll buy it from you

i actually didn't do anything today..i sat around, listened to music, watched absolutely fabulous, went to target and picked up the new final fantasy origins, oil, and some daisies for kevin...and now i'm over here, and aqua team hunger force is on..which, by the way, is a kick ass show

oh, and the tick is coming out on dvd..i really hope it's the cartoon version..cause that was awesome..i especially love the episode when arthur and the giant tongue switch brains...

so right now i'm suppose to write "kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin" cause i told him that this entry is all about him