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stomach ache stomach ache, please go i was talking to someone online for the past week and we haven't met yet..well, he went on and on today how we shouldn't meet he was moving to a suburb and i was too busy, and he said he wasn't being a dick about it, but he really was...i was talking to him on the phone last night and things seemed i don't know where this came from, it was kind of annoying..well, really annoying...i was late for piano..cause i was trying to argue my point..and i don't know if it is really worth writing an email explaining my actions and whatnot...just doesn't seem right

i'm over at kevin's right now..he doesn't seem all too happy tonight...but whatever...he asks me a lot why i stick around..i never give him an answer..i guess i don't know how to tell him that i guess i'm waiting around for a second chance..but i don't know if that is really going to happen...i am still great friends with him..but we do more than what friends i guess i don't's starting to..i don't know...hmm...

i'm already tired, and i'm so happy that i only have tomorrow to work, then i don't have to work for 6 days..then only work for 3 days...that will be very nice....i got a haircut, it feels nice..