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so what a night i guess i can start with..nate, jill, tom, and i tried to go to lucy's, and didn't even make it to the door, we just left and said "forget it, let's try somewhere else" so we go to this somewhere else, get in, get our drinks and walk back to this one spot, where i spot kevin and his boy, i looked away instantly and turned my back and said "there's kevin" after a few minutes, i started to play it cool, i was okay, eventually we moved to another spot in the bar, but before that, i saw him looking at me, i didn't really make any sort of eye contact...

so we moved to the new spot, and kevin makes his way toward me, suddenly he was behind me, and i didn't even know..first question he asks "so, do you still hate me?"....we chatted for a few seconds, he asks me how the cats doing and then says "want to introduce me to your friends?" i bit my lip so hard and didn't say anything, i just wanted to say "you weren't interested in meeting them before, why would you want to now?" i so regret not saying that now, i had it ready, he was so asking for it..after that he walked away, and i didn't really see him for the rest of the night..he just went around the poll thing, apparently his boy was staring at jill and tom a lot

the night went on, blah blah blah, and now i'm just crushed, i feel hurt, i feel shitty...i am wide awake as well, but can't take a sleeping pill because i have alcohol in my system, tomorrow's going to be a long day